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Neighborhood Facilities
Sindang,Seoul, South Korea
completion in 2018


Sungsik Choi, Juwoon Lee
5F, B1F
307 sqm
59% (60%)
Hanwool Lee

Junction(Jeongsun) BLDG was required to express their company’s image and vision. However, the site was difficult to plan due to various limitations and unfavourable site conditions. Adjacent houses have invaded the property line, and the long block fence of another adjacent building was a dangerous situation just before the collapse. Because of the narrow alley on right side with less than the standard width, we need to make setback from the property line. The residential area was subject to the height restriction by the north - south orientation setback.
From Constraints to the identity
Among all these constraints, the north-south orientation setback and diagonal plane control, which is critical condition to make Korean urban landscape, is very dominant, and therefore our challenge is avoiding similar type of building form and creating architectural identity through utilizing the given volumetric boundary. The volume is emphasized by the lower layer (1~2F) and the upper layers (3~ 5 F, rooftop). The lower layer without the diagonal plane control proposes a cubic shape emphasizing transparency. The upper layer with the diagonal plane control is, horizontally, segmented again into several layers with gradient height. These segmented layers create not only different appearance within keeping diagonal plane, but also make another functional use. Finally, the identity of the building is established by layering the lower-upper layers, and another segmented horizontal gradient layers. It also expects to lead the architectural culture of this area by enriching architectural diversity in a residential area where similar types of buildings are generalized due to the north - south orientation setback.


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