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Single Family houses
Seosan, ChungcheongName-do South Korea
completion on December 2018


Sungsik Choi, Hyoyoon Kwon, Hyungkook Park
Kyungsub Shin

Fits vs. personalities

Setting up a new building in an old residential context should be conscious of its surroundings. Considering with cultural heritage (Dongmun-dong Five-Storied Pagoda) near site area, we try to avoid noticeable form and colors and design with a gentle stone finish, so that we can achieve the fits with context. At the same time, as a single family house that carries the unique life of the family, there is a desire to express their personalities. These are our goal to satisfy with harmonizing with context as well as exposing their individualities without conflict each other. As the result, the cantilevered mass above parking lot became the solution. It supports more free space towards narrow alleys and shows distinguished attitude from others. And gable roofs fit into the surrounding houses.

Community vs. Privacy

Both owner, who has many acquaintances in local, were willing to accept an open external space. The outer space continues openly to the innermost living room without clogging like a fence. The terrain was used to secure the territoriality of several stages. Each house has space (living room, community room) that can be shared with visitors and simultaneously, plans to secure a private space for the family.

Two Tone

The form that conforms to the gentle sloping terrain has long settled in the background of the bamboo forest on the back. The linear form, which can be monotonous, is divided into two levels, one is a community space shared by the family and the other is a private space of the family members. The low-rise floor is applied with the dark stone of rough finish (macchon stone burner grill), and it is aimed to be integrated with the earth and gives a small size of the building. The soft stone at the top (Lime Stone Horn Finish) reduces the weight of floating structures and gives a friendly and comfortable image. The material between the two buildings identified on the road was brighter (Limestone) and contrasted with darker (Granite stone), maintaining the overall two-tone concept.


The use of coarse-finished granite and soft-finished limestone as exterior materials is intended to reveal the history and timeliness within the cultural property protection area through materials with low reflectivity and high weight.

Although single-family homes are exclusively for the family as a space for the family, the two single-family houses were able to create the void as well as respect for their neighbors by creating voids toward the old residential alley.


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